The 10-year-old stirred up significant attention online when a TikTok repost video, seemingly aimed at Taylor Swift, surfaced on the joint account managed by North and...
“It’s National Siblings Day! My brother @austinkingsleyswift is one of my best pals, and I’m really proud of him because he’s in a film that came...
While many Swifties were left disappointed, a body language expert explained how the pair would have wanted to simply enjoy the victory in Las Vegas without...
NFL stars had two very special guests. In a clip shared on the New Heights Instagram, Jason and his wife Kylie’s oldest daughters — Elliotte, 2,...
Travis opted for a smart shirt in blue patterns and matching shorts as well as a pair of white sneakers. Most notably, he had on a...
And the meeting appeared to go well as Taylor was captured chatting with Jason, Kylie and the brothers’ mom Donna throughout the game. ...
Then the massive Baloo pranced across the camera. ‘Goddamn, what the f*** is that?’ Travis said shocked at how big Baloo is. ‘Pet him, you gotta...
Brittany was dressed in head-to-toe Prada as she rocked a double denim look, pairing loose-fitting denim Prada pants with a slouchy, oversize denim Prada jacket and...
mastermind, there’s no question about it. But the singer might just be able to tell the future as well. Us Weekly is here to suggest that...
is the third wealthiest pet in the world, according to a recent report by All About Cats. The chubby cat has amassed an estimated net worth...